Welcome to UrbanDrive - Your Digital Car Showroom for Modern Travelers!


UrbanDrive offers you more than just cars, but a digital experience where convenience and technology merge into one. We understand that each client is unique, so we strive to make your choice of car and the process of purchasing it as convenient as possible.

Our Key Advantages:

1. Flexible Financial Solutions:
UrbanDrive offers harmonious financial solutions, including convenient loans, special offers and an individual approach to each client. We care about your comfort, making the path to a new car easy and enjoyable.

2. UrbanDrive Mobile Application:
Our modern technologies are in your pocket! Download the UrbanDrive mobile app for instant access to our catalog, up-to-date news and convenient online support.

3. Exclusive Cars Carefully Selected for You:
UrbanDrive presents you with a collection of outstanding vehicles, carefully selected to satisfy the most sophisticated tastes. Elegant sedans, dynamic crossovers, and much more - choose what suits you.

4. Online Consultation and Support:
Our experts are ready to help you every step of the way. Ask questions, get detailed information and make informed decisions online.

5. Unique Bonuses and Privileges:
UrbanDrive customers can enjoy unique bonuses and privileges, such as special service discounts, partner offers and additional service options.


UrbanDrive is not just a car dealership, it is a partner in your journey to a new car. Join UrbanDrive, where every road leads to comfort and style.



Phone number:: +99895 888 44 44
E-mail:: urbandriveuz@gmail.com